Titanic in the News
Sixty Thousand Ton Liners
Nov. 26, 1908, Hickman (KY) Courier
One Million For a Starter
Jan. 3, 1909, New York Tribune
Two New Giants Of the Sea
May 30, 1909, New York Tribune
New Big Liners Look Like Half Built Skyscrapers
Dec. 18, 1909, Deseret (UT) Evening News
Monster Steamers For Atlantic Trade
Dec. 23, 1909, Honolulu Evening Bulletin
Marvels Of Ocean Steamers Over Three Times As Large As The Manchuria
Feb. 2, 1910, Hawaiian Star
Monster Liners
Feb. 4, 1910, Deseret (UT) Evening News
More Ocean Mammoths For Atlantic Travel
Aug. 28, 1910, Salt Lake Tribune
Land Comforts While At Sea
May 17, 1911, Honesdale (PA) Citizen
Olympic and Titanic World's Greatest Ships
Jun. 25, 1911, Washington Herald